As we observe Sexual Assault Prevention Month, the College of Dental Technologists of Ontario reaffirms its unwavering commitment to fostering a safe and respectful environment for our Staff, Registrants, and their clients and patients. We remain committed to maintaining a strict zero-tolerance stance against all types of abuse, encompassing verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual misconduct.
In alignment with provincial initiatives to ensure the safety of all healthcare professionals, we reflect on the significant task force appointed by Ontario’s Minister of Health and Long-Term Care in December 2014. This task force was created to review and strengthen the protections under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, with a specific focus on preventing the sexual abuse of patients. The findings and recommendations from this task force are instrumental in informing our policies and practices, ensuring they serve the best interests of our Registered Dental Technologists (RDTs).
Although Sexual Assault Prevention is highlighted in the month of May, we believe that by fostering a culture of knowledge and awareness through continuous education and strict policy enforcement throughout the year is the cornerstone of effective prevention.
Alll RDTs are legally obligated to submit a Mandatory Report if, during the course of their professional duties, they acquire reasonable grounds to suspect that a fellow regulated health professional has engaged in sexual abuse of a client or patient. For further details, visit: